Community Life at Christ Church Lutheran
These groups are open to all! Look for announcements about events in Sunday bulletins or the Courier, our monthly newsletter, as some groups meet occasionally or seasonally. Feel free to contact the leaders of these groups directly for more information through our contact page, and mention the leader’s name in your message.
If you are looking for groups with volunteer and outreach opportunities, please see our Outreach & Service page.
Educational forums for adults are held on Sunday mornings at 11:15. There is a rich variety of speakers and topics, as well as lively discussion. All are welcome to these events. Fill out the form on the contact page to be added to our email list and to receive invitations to this series of events!
The big yearly project is the Christmas cookie sale, with funds given away to South Minneapolis Meals on Wheels. Come if you like to bake or would like to learn.
Contact: Rita Schoenike
This group of retirees and friends usually meets on the last Wednesday of the month for a program, followed by a potluck lunch. Our pastors help arrange interesting programs. People of any age are welcome.
Contact: MariLu Peters
Meets several times a year to learn about the art of brewing.
Contact: Noah Niermann or Marcus Nooney
The Book Club meets throughout year, with lively discussion and happy fellowship. All are welcome to participate and to suggest books to discuss.
Contact: Siri Caltvedt
The choir sings for Sunday morning Eucharist services throughout the academic year. Join us for a year or for a season—it’s a gift to be able to sing and lead the community in song.
Contact: Mark Sedio. You can contact Mark via this form.
Bring a project you’re working on and come for a good time together of crafting and connection, coffee and treats. This group meets the first Saturday of the month, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am.
Contact: Britt Dougall
This faithful group of people meets once a month to create the beautiful cards you see for sale at coffee hour. No experience is necessary, and newcomers are always welcome.
Contact: Stephanie Gustafson
The weaving group welcomes weavers of all experience levels. They frequently weave paraments and other fabrics used throughout the sanctuary during the different seasons of the church calendar.
Contact: Kevin Olsen
Committees & Task Forces
These volunteer groups meet regularly to enrich and guide the life of our congregation. We are always looking for more volunteers, so please fill out the form on our contact page and indicate in your message which committee or task force you would like to join. We will connect you!
This group tends to the liturgical needs of our sanctuary each week. Contact: Pat Baehler
The arts committee cares for and selects the art placed throughout the building.
Contact: Tim Hagen
Supports the ministries of Sunday School and other children’s ministries, as well as Confirmation-age and Senior High Youth Group ministries.
Contact: Pastor Miriam Samuelson-Roberts
Contact: Clayton Smith
Contact: Pastor Erik Haaland
Main contact rotates; contact Pastor Miriam for more information.
The preservation committee and property committee of Christ Church Lutheran both work to preserve the integrity and beauty of this architecturally significant building while, at the same time, encouraging its use for outreach.
Projects include collaborating with the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the Walker Art Center on the Saarinen Retrospective, fall 2008; promoting our application for National Landmark Status; developing and maintaining archives; coordinating a paint project for interior spaces and new interior signage.
Contact: Tim Hagen
The Property Committee cares for many aspects of the Christ Church building, including supporting the maintenance coordinator and other maintenance projects.
Contact: Michael Bly
Formed in 2016, the Racial Justice Task Force provides leadership in educational and advocacy work around racial equity and justice. They also intentionally engage the congregation around issues of racial justice and equity, both in the wider community and within our congregation. The task force has also collaborated with neighboring congregations, and organizations.
Contact: Rachel Slater
The Stewardship Committee plans our fall financial stewardship pledging season each year.
Contact: Gerry Tyrrell
New groups are always welcome!
Not seeing a group here that resonates with your interests? Do you have a passion that you’d like to share with a group of people? New groups are always welcome at Christ Church Lutheran. Connection with one another is a gift, and we are always open to new ways of bringing people together. Feel free to suggest something through our contact page.