Community Life at Christ Church Lutheran

These groups are open to all! Look for announcements about events in Sunday bulletins or the Courier, our monthly newsletter, as some groups meet occasionally or seasonally. Feel free to contact the leaders of these groups directly for more information through our contact page, and mention the leader’s name in your message.

If you are looking for groups with volunteer and outreach opportunities, please see our Outreach & Service page.

Committees & Task Forces

These volunteer groups meet regularly to enrich and guide the life of our congregation. We are always looking for more volunteers, so please fill out the form on our contact page and indicate in your message which committee or task force you would like to join. We will connect you!

New groups are always welcome!

Not seeing a group here that resonates with your interests? Do you have a passion that you’d like to share with a group of people? New groups are always welcome at Christ Church Lutheran. Connection with one another is a gift, and we are always open to new ways of bringing people together. Feel free to suggest something through our contact page.