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Church Calendar

Song Festival—Festgesang The Music of Robert Buckley Farlee

Song Festival—Festgesang The Music of Robert Buckley Farlee

In the tradition of the Festschrift (“festival writing”)—a volume of writings by various authors presented as a tribute to an influential scholar and mentor—this Festgesang (“festival singing”), in the year of his 75th birthday, celebrates Cantor Robert Buckley Farlee’s many contributions to Christian liturgical life. Sing and listen as a festival choir, nationally renowned musicians, and assembly come together to lift up the joy of making music in community. Reception to follow. This event is free and open to the public.

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Saint Urho Day Celebration

Saint Urho Day Celebration

Hyvää Urhonpäivää! Happy Saint Urho’s Day!
You’ve heard of Saint Patrick—but Saint Urho? The tongue-in-cheek legend of Saint Urho says he chased the grasshoppers out of Finland by uttering the phrase Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, mene täältä (roughly translated: “Grasshopper, grasshopper, go to hell!”). The feast is celebrated by wearing the colors royal purple and nile green. In the end, the day offers all of us—Irish, Finnish, and everyone else—a time for music and a good party. Join the Ameriikan Poijat brass ensemble for an afternoon of merriment. Wear purple and green! Reception to follow. This event is free and open to the public.

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Cantata Vespers Presentation of Our Lord

Cantata Vespers Presentation of Our Lord

Forty days after the birth of Christ, the church celebrates the festival of the Presentation of Our Lord, also known as Candlemas—the tradition of blessing and processing with candles. We gather in a service of evening prayer led by the Elm Ensemble and the Christ Church choir as we sing an ancient liturgy and experience music by Bach (Cantata 125, Mit Fried und Freud ich fahr dahin) and Elgar (The Snow). Reception to follow. This event is free and open to the public.

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Bringing Worship Into the Modern Era: 75th Anniversary of Eliel Saarinen's National Historic Landmark

Bringing Worship Into the Modern Era: 75th Anniversary of Eliel Saarinen's National Historic Landmark

2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the dedication of the Christ Church Lutheran sanctuary in 1949 and the 15th anniversary of the church's recognition as a National Historic Landmark, one of 25 in Minnesota and the only house of worship. Please join us for a celebratory afternoon of engaging talks and reflections in the sanctuary!

This event is free and open to the public. RSVP requested to info@friendsofccl.org

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Healing of the Nation Pre-Election Service - St. Peder's Lutheran

Healing of the Nation Pre-Election Service - St. Peder's Lutheran

If you're feeling the tension of the election and worried about what will happen, you're not alone. The four ELCA churches in the Longfellow neighborhood have been collaborating on efforts to offer an opportunity for prayer and support for each other in the midst of the tension. Alongside St. Peder’s, Holy Trinity, and Minnehaha Communion Lutheran Churches, we have helped plan a time of worship and prayer at St. Peder's Lutheran Church on Monday, November 4th at 7 p.m. We will be using an adapted Healing of the Nations liturgy developed in Holden Village. All are welcome, regardless of religious or political affiliation, as we bring our prayers for the future and wellbeing of the United States and all of creation to God. The address for St. Peder's is 4600 E 42nd St and parking can be found in the parking lot on the east side of the building or on the streets surrounding the church.  

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Celebrating Sound and Space: A Finnish Hymn Festival

Celebrating Sound and Space: A Finnish Hymn Festival

Tulkaa laulamaan! Come and sing! In celebration of our congregation’s Finnish connections, Christ Church Lutheran presents a hymn festival marking the 75th anniversary of our sanctuary designed by renowned Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen as well as the publication of two new collections of Finnish hymns: The Finnish Heritage Hymnal and Lost Songs of the Suomi Synod. Reception to follow. This event is free and open to the public.

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ThomasMass (Tuomasmessu)

ThomasMass (Tuomasmessu)

Christ Church is excited to offer a new worship experience on the afternoon of the Transfiguration of our Lord, 2024. The ThomasMass, or Tuomasmessu is a Lutheran worship service that originated in Finland, and regularly takes place at Agricolan kirkko (Agricola Church) in Helsinki. The service is influenced by ancient liturgical traditions and offers an opportunity for “open space”—times for reflection, various prayer stations (healing, writing prayers for peace), the creation of liturgical art/crafts and special opportunities for children. It is named after the Apostle Thomas, who seemed to have more questions than answers in his faith. Special choral and instrumental music, as well as Finnish/English hymns will be included. As is the case with the Tuomasmessu celebrations in Finland, a time for fellowship and food will follow in the Luther Lounge.

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Adult Forum with Samuel G. Freedman

Columbia University professor, author, and New York Times columnist, Samuel G. Freedman, will talk to us about his latest book, Into the Bright Sunshine: Young Hubert Humphrey and the Fight for Civil Rights.

We have copies of Freedman's book for sale for $17.48 as part of the event.

In his New York Times book review, Khalil Gibran Muhammad wrote, "Long before the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts of the mid-1960s, Freedman argues, Humphrey led Minneapolis to become 'virtually the only city in America’ where a victim of racial discrimination could 'count on the government as an ally.' Freedman's book shows how this happened. It is a superbly written tale of moral and political courage for present-day readers who find themselves in similarly dark times."

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