Children & Youth
Children and Youth in Worship
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” At Christ Church Lutheran, we welcome children of all ages to participate fully in our Sunday worship. Children, youth, and their families are welcome to the font, to the table, to worship, to education, to make friends, and to grow in faith.
We love having children in the pews, and their noise and movement is an important part of the joyful song we raise each week.
Sermon on the Steps is a time for children and their parents to come to the steps at the front of the sanctuary to hear a word especially for them.
Children of all ages are welcome to communion. We gather as a whole community around God’s abundant table.
Nursery care is available for children who need a break from the sanctuary.
Children’s Education
Each Sunday September-May, children meet after worship for Sunday School to learn about the stories and traditions of our faith. To register for Sunday School, contact us.
Youth Education
Our Confirmation program is for grades 6-8, and is a three-year curriculum focused on biblical studies, Lutheran theology, and Lutheran worship and community life. Youth form friendships and take on roles in the full life of the church.
A Senior High Youth Group for grades 9-12 meets during the school year and engages with the full life of the church, including worship, service, and community life. For more information, contact the pastors.
Little Sparks Montessori school is located in our Education Building. To view their website, please click here.