Sunday Worship
9:30 am
Lent and Holy Week Worship
Ash Wednesday: March 5, 7 p.m.
Lenten Wednesday Worship: 6:30 p.m. (soup supper at 5:30)
Maundy Thursday: April 17, 7 p.m.
Good Friday: April 18, 7 p.m.
Vigil of Easter: April 19, 8:30 p.m.
Easter Sunday: April 20, 9:30 a.m.
All are welcome!
At Christ Church, worship is at the very center of our life together. It shapes us as a community on Sunday mornings, but also far beyond that time.
We are followers of Christ, we are part of the universal or catholic church, and we have inherited the riches of the Lutheran tradition. And each of those influences our worship.
Christ is at the center. And so when we worship, the focus is on Jesus Christ and the gifts he has given us — forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. That good news fills all of our reading and speaking, our singing and our praying. And it turns us outward toward our neighbor.
We are part of the church, connected to Christians of all times and places. And so when we worship, we don’t look so much to how we can do our own thing, but how we can express that connection. In creative ways, we use the forms of worship that Christians have developed over the centuries. Our hymns include those that have fed believers for many years, and those we are learning from Christians in other parts of the world.
Every Sunday, with the whole church, we gather around God’s word and holy meal, from which we gain strength to be sent out in mission.
We have inherited particular insights from the Lutheran tradition. And so when we worship, we hear both God’s word of law, reminding us that all people fail to live up to their potential, and God’s liberating gospel, assuring us that no matter what, God still loves us. Our worship patterns, though shared with the wider church, have some wonderful Lutheran twists, including a renowned heritage of song.
It’s a rich tradition, but not a difficult one. We invite you to come and find your part in it.
Our worship invites expression of our gifts in many forms:
Welcome and guide the assembly as we gather, as a greeter or usher
Prepare our worship space as an acolyte
Proclaim the word from the scriptures as a lector
Express our response to God as a prayer writer
Support the assembly in celebrating the eucharist as an assisting minister