First Time Visitor Information

Some things you might want to know if you’re worshiping with us for the first time:

  • Worship is at 9:30 each Sunday morning, followed by coffee and fellowship (year-round, outdoors when possible) and education hour for all ages (mid-September to end of May; nursery care year-round through the end of coffee hour). See web pages on those topics for more information.

  • Park on the street anywhere near the church. Our neighbors are great and very understanding. There is accessible parking (permit required) near the accessible entrance of the building, and an accessible drop-off zone near that entrance as well.

  • The main entrance to the sanctuary is on 34th Ave. You’ll approach the church and see a large outdoor courtyard. The wood doors to your left are the sanctuary doors--enter there on Sunday mornings. A wheelchair accessible entrance to the sanctuary is at the corner of 34th Ave. and 33rd St. at the church tower.

  • Note for the summer: the church is not air conditioned, but when the summer temperatures are reasonable, the cross-breeze of our open windows, coupled with the brick sanctuary holding the cool temp from the previous night, does a pretty good job of keeping the sanctuary cool in the morning.

  • You’ll be greeted by an usher and handed a bulletin, and you can sit wherever you’d like.

  • Children are welcome in all parts of the worship service--see our Children and Youth webpage for more information about children’s options beyond the pew if needed. We recognize sitting still for an hour isn’t developmentally possible for young children especially, and we want to make sure they have what they need to feel safe and honored in this place.

  • We share communion every Sunday. All are welcome to share in the eucharist.

  • Our service is liturgical, and follows the pattern for worship laid out in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, the principal worship resource of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, of which we are a part. We follow an ecumenical calendar of seasons and festival days, and we make use of a widely-used pattern of biblical readings, the Revised Common Lectionary.

  • Our worship style would generally be described as traditional—it is led by organ, piano, and choir. At Christ Church we strive for worship that is grounded in tradition, while at the same time gracious, welcoming, and full of life. 

  • As threats from infectious diseases come and go, please know that face masks are always welcome, but not required. There are baskets of masks at each entrance to the church if you’d like to wear one. 

We, as pastors, love this place and these people. We cherish Sunday mornings as an opportunity to gather together as a community to worship God, receive the gifts of word and sacrament, and to let ourselves be grounded in God’s grace. When you come, we hope you feel welcomed and held by God’s love in this holy space.

-Pastor Miriam and Pastor Erik on behalf of the staff and congregation